Need a New Business Number? Boost Your Marketing and Claim 7 Days of Call Answering FREE

15th October 2020

No matter the size of your business, and no matter what you do, marketing is everything. It’s simply not enough to just do a great job! You need to show the world who you are, what you do, and why you do it. Otherwise, you are going to risk never getting seen at all. This is nothing new, as marketing for businesses has been important since before the age of the internet. However, did you know that your business phone number could make all the difference to your outward marketing?

When you set up a unique business number, you may be able to open more doors than you initially assume. That’s because a number can actually tell callers a lot about your business before they ever need to call in! In this guide, we’ll take you through why a unique business number is such a fantastic asset to business marketing, and how you can claim a fantastic 7 days of FREE call answering support from Planet Numbers.

Why Do Business Numbers Matter?

In the modern age, it might be reasonable to ask this question. More and more people are setting up businesses and enterprises from home, which means many will be using mobile phone numbers, local lines, and more. Surely this means that the business phone number, or at least the idea of it, is going out of style?

Not at all. In fact, the psychology behind business phone number marketing is as strong now as it ever was. That’s because people will still be looking for the best companies and experts to call if they have a problem. Believe it or not, there are plenty of people out there who will be more willing to call an obvious business number, with confidence, than a standard mobile line.

Think about it this way. A business number gives the caller the impression that they are dialing someone with firm business roots. A company that is fixed in the UK, for example, has their own office and is a big enough deal to have their own telephone number prefix and unique number picked out for them. Now – that might not necessarily be the case all the time, but it’s amazing what a business number can actually suggest. It’s all about tapping into that customer psychology.

Remember, this isn’t actually tricking the customer, either. If you are already running a business and are focused on providing the best services and products possible, why shouldn’t you lead with a great business number? Why should you get swept behind? It is simply a case of keeping up to speed with the competition.

What Are Some Examples of Business Numbers?

That’s the beauty of a business line. These numbers come in all styles and forms. In many cases, you will find that they start with 0845 or 0345 if they are non-geographic, or non-fixed. However, many businesses – big and small – choose 0800 prefixes. These make phone numbers completely free for callers to use, meaning that it’s an extra little boost for your reputation and also for your marketing. If you show that you care enough to pay for customers’ calls from the get-go, what else will you be willing to offer them? Again, it’s psychology!

You should also consider looking for a unique phone number. Unfortunately, as is the nature of setting up unique numbers, we cannot ever guarantee that you will secure the phone number you dream of right away. However, there are still near-unlimited combinations for you to choose from. Providing it is memorable, you can tie it directly into your marketing. Without mentioning examples by name, there are one or two very popular services in the UK which lead in with fantastic, memorable numbers. You can probably name a few yourself!

Therefore, before you get started with any kind of marketing campaign, do lead with business numbers first. It’s your first step towards creating confidence in your callers – and you won’t have to do a thing.

Call Answering for FREE!

Let’s consider another side to business lines. As part of our professional phone number services, we offer clients the chance to bolster their call centers with fantastic, flexible, remote call answering. This means that we will have a professional team on standby, ready, and waiting to answer calls for you when you are unable to!

Think about all the times you have felt swamped with calls. What if those calls you don’t answer our big new leads or projects? What if you could expand your call answering capabilities without having to employ a whole new raft of staff or call handlers?

With Planet Numbers, you can. We offer a cost-effective, pay-as-you-go service, which means you’ll be able to set up a regular package – as you wish – to ensure your callers always have someone to talk to. Even if you just want someone to advise that they can take a message, it is going to be much more preferential for your callers than to just cast a voice message into oblivion, or to wait in a queue for all eternity!

Right now, we are offering call answering for businesses for 14 days absolutely free. With a business number in tow, you’ll be able to try this service out and see for yourself what a difference it could make to the efficiency and daily productivity of your business. If for whatever reason you decide not to continue, there is absolutely no obligation!

Set Up Now

Ready to start making a difference to your customers’ and callers’ experiences? Make sure to set up a business number and call answering package with Planet Numbers. Get in touch now and let us show you the difference you could be making with a  great call answering service – and for the first two weeks, you can sample it all for free.

We’re certain you’ll see what a difference capturing every call and every lead makes. Therefore, seize the day! Call us now or get in touch online when you’re ready.